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Release Notes
  • Added check box feature for Customer Info, Activities tab screen to select “Include Activity Reservations Where Customer is a Friend.” When checked, both the Customer and Friend names for an Activity are displayed.
  • Added new database tables for to store quarterly payroll amounts to efficiently run the new Quarterly Payroll Summary reports. This version must be installed for the new reports to work.
  • Added new fields to reservation detail logs of the Lodging and Rental Reservations Modules to record the employee name who completes the check in and check out of guests and gear.
  • Fixed issue for the Lodging Reservations Module Set-Up screen that caused error when sorting items.
  • Updated labels on Admin, Activity Types/Location screen to be Admin, Activity Types/Resources to improve consistency across Triptiva.
  • Updated Rental Set-Up for Rental Reservations Module to sort Activity Types alphabetically.
  • Added a New Employee History table to log all updates made to employee information.
  • Made first name capitalization changes to allow nicknames to be entered like Wilson (Buck) or Wilson “Buck.”
  • Standardized “Booked By” and “Added By” fields for Activity reservations to use full employee name.
  • Fixed issue for some users when enter a new store on the Options screen.
  • Changed the Rental Reservations Module Rental Set-Up screen to alphabetize Store drop-down lists.
  • Fixed an issue when creating new activities that occurred for some users.
  • Changed the Activity Set-Up screen “Group” drop-down list to show alphabetized group names.
  • Updated Activity Log Screen to use labels assigned to adult/child fields.
  • Updated Pre/Post Email send to delete pre/post email record when an activity is deleted from reservation.
  • Updated Activity Check-In Manifest screen to immediately calculate # Not Checked-In once # Checked-In is entered. Removed Save button as numbers are saved automatically. Standardized grid color and size.
  • Changed color scheme and column widths for the Lodging Reservations Module Add-on Taxes window accessible on the Reservations screen.
  • Fixed error when opening deposit payment screen from Reservations screen of the Lodging Reservations Module.
  • Fixed payment gateway issue when taking a payment for a Lodging reservation.
  • Added custom online activity settings by company on the Options screen.
  • Changed deposit functioning on Rental Reservations, Lodging Reservations and POS Modules to support to BluePay and Trust Commerce pre-authorization deposits. User can now create payments for transactions from deposits on file.
  • Updated payroll to allow a the assignment of a company name for each job type. Updated the Job Type and Jobs Assigned employee Admin screens to accommodate new company name assignment. The update allows payroll to be unique for each company.
  • Updated various label and User Interface displays.
  • Fixed Payment Gateway Id when there are differences in store and company to save correct payment gateway Id for reservations.
  • Changed Availability For Date pop-up window on Activity Reservations screen to use custom Price Type Id labels for selection instead of default Adult and Child labels.
  • For Activity reservation screen, made changes for Friends and Friends grid to use custom Price Type Id labels for selection instead of default Adult and Child.
  • Fixed issue with Lodging Reservation Module calendar “Week Forward” and “Week Backward” green arrow buttons.
  • Fixed issue with Advanced Customer Search “Select All” check box when searching activity reservations.
  • In Activity Set-Up, added new fields to custom label participants, adult and child for plural values. Singular values remain as before.
  • For all Customer edit screens, changed capitalization functioning for first names like “J.T.”
  • Added custom label field for Participants label at the company level. The custom label will display on the Book Now screen for that company. Each company can have a unique label for the name Participants.

  • Added new rules for the display of custom labels for “Adults” and “Children” on the Activity search screen.
  • Added a new custom “Participants” field by company on the Online Activity search screen.
  • Added a “No Available Activities Custom Message” message to display for all Online Activity search results where the availability count is zero.
  • Added the display of the new custom label for Participants on the Online Activity search screen.
  • For the Online Activity search with Group Id and zero availability for some activities, Triptiva will better display results for all locations in a group.
  • Fixed a user fee rounding issue to now use “midpoint” rounding across the board.
  • Fixed Adult/Child custom labels display issue for Activity reservation confirmation screen with existing reservations.
  • Added added “Min Night Stay” field to reservation screen for Lodging Reservations Module but removed data validation on save.
  • Cleaned up field layouts for Admin, Waypoints screen.
  • Changed the Lodging Reservations Module to check a reservation for a minimum night stay of more than 0 nights.
  • Updated Activity send email template email address to use the company information associated with the first activity on the reservation.
  • Fixed error that occurred when scrolling through multiple images on the Item Type Set-Up screen of Lodging Reservations Module.
  • Updated Lodging Reservations Module for both Item and Item type details to use pricing information from the Lodging Group when no pricing is entered in Set-Up for the Item or Item Type.
  • Updated employee user name functioning.
  • For Activity Name Cancellation Policy, added functioning to associate the company to “All Activities.”
  • For Activity Name Cancellation Policy, added “Save for All Activity Types” option/button.
  • Added BluePay payment gateway as a new payment gateway. Added account settings on company screen and payments/refunds/void on all payment windows.
  • Added new online setting in desktop to show/hide “Send Email in Plain Text” check-box for the Online Wait List screen.

  • Added BluePay payment gateway integration to Online Modules.
  • Added new online setting in desktop to show/hide “Send Email in Plain Text” check-box for the Wait List screen.
  • Added functioning to use new online setting in desktop to show/hide “Send Email in Plain Text” check-box for the Online Wait List screen.
  • Changed Online Modules to use tax calculation associated with Store used for online reservations.
  • Added an option to display the join wait list option online for selected activities. To allow the wait list option for an activity, the “Allow Wait List” flag can be set on the Activity’s Activity Set-Up screen. If the flag is set for an activity, the customer will be asked to join the wait list for instances where is no additional availability. If the flag is not set, the request to join a wait list does not appear online.
  • Fixed issue with online email templates for a deleted activity.
  • Fixed Activity Waypoints/Put-Ins/Take-Outs issue when creating new activities.
  • Fixed issue with pricing by store for Activity Add-Ons.
  • Removed several legacy Crystal Reports (menu items and all associated reports and database objects) that have been replaced by newer reports.

  • Added Javascript CSS check for tripScheduler.aspx for Activity Online Module.
  • Added ability to enter additional email addresses on Company screen to alert recipients of online email errors. These errors usually occur when self-hosting the Triptiva database and the internet connection to the database glitches or is down.
  • Added an option to display the join wait list option online for selected activities. To allow the wait list option for an activity, the “Allow Wait List” flag can be set on the Activity’s Activity Set-Up screen. If the flag is set for an activity, the customer will be asked to join the wait list for instances where is no additional availability. If the flag is not set, the request to join a wait list does not appear online.
  • Added new email templates by activity (company, customer reservation, customer wait list, customer invite-a-friend) so these can be managed from the desktop.
  • Updated Yes/No questions so that questions can be asked without the answer having a pre-set default value.
  • Updated the validation of Yes/No checkout questions to ensure an answer is selected for questions requiring a response.
  • Improved layout display of online check questions asked of the reservation customer and friends.
  • Changed credit card payment screen for online module to clear credit card data when user leaves and then re-visits the payment page. The user much now re-enter the credit card data if they leave and return to the page.
  • Added SSN encryption to the Employee tax/W4 information screen.
  • Fixed hidden errors when creating a new company and store on Options, Company Information screen.
  • Fixed issue when multi-reservations of Item Types are created for a reservation in Lodging Reservations Module. Added validation checks for Lodging Item Types.
  • Updated Activity reservation cancel fees rounding to have extra precision so as to prevent rounding issues.
  • Added new features to allow each activity booked online to have a unique look and feel and text for confirmation, wait list and invite a friend emails. Previously, all online activities used the same confirmation, wait list and invite a friend email. Now, custom online email templates can be created and assigned to each activity in Activity Set-up. Activities can use the same templates or different ones. This update changes the Option, Company Information screen default email template values and adds a new storage table forsaving each email template created and assigned in Activity Set-Up..
  • Changed Activity Set-Up screen to better refresh the activity tax stores.
  • Added new “Cancel” button to cancel a reservation for the Lodging Reservations Module. The cancel button removes all charges for an item or item type on the reservation.
  • Added new “Cancel” button to cancel a reservation for the Rental Reservation Module. The cancel button removes all charges for an item on the rental reservation.
  • Added new “Cancel” button to cancel a reservation for the Activity Reservations Module. The cancel button removes all charges from the reservation.
  • Added “Clear Filter” option on the Point-of-sale Item Set-Up screen to remove any filter currently being used to find POS items.
  • Increased the time Triptiva takes to process and display activities on the Day View screen when the Show All is selected to improve performance.
  • Added new Company options to allow select data to be shown for specific companies.
  • For Advanced Customer Search, consolidated the activity reservation and activity reservation by amount tabs into one tab.
  • For Advanced Customer Search, added new search by rental reservation tab.
  • For Advanced customer search, added new search by lodging reservation tab.
  • Improved Excel export functionality for Customer Export to remove the need to have Excel. Customer Export will now create an Excel file without having Excel installed on computer.
  • Updated ComponentOne reference/Iicense (20152.2.22).
  • Fixed issue with totals not refreshing after a discount is selected for an item type in the Lodging Reservations Module.
  • Updated for obsolete label and textbox arrays (.NET issue).
  • Added the hiding of reservations with no details on the Calendar screen for the Lodging Reservations Module.
  • Added validation in the Lodging Reservations Module for selected drop down date for lodging groups and item type booking season dates.
  • Added new field for email addresses in the Options menu for company settings to which emails will be sent in the event of an online error for an activity reservation.
  • Added additional error handling in the Rental Reservations Module to handle the resizing calendar days on the calendar screen.
  • Fixed Lodging Reservation Module add-ons error for pricing value.
  • Corrected Lodging Reservation Module issue that re-calculated reservation total.
  • Fixed Activity Reservation Module calendar set column sizes error that occurred when using a very large screen size.
  • Fixed error that occurred when creating a Lodging Item Type for the first time.
  • Fixed Total For Resource label display on Activity Day Totals window.
  • Updated Assign Item drop down list on Lodging Module customer reservation screen, when assigning an Item from an Item Type, to only show active and available Items.
  • Fixed issue on Lodging Module reservation calendar for “split” reservations display when a check-out day is the first day displayed on the calendar.
  • Fixed issue on the Lodging Module Day View Lodging grid by Customer tab for “split” reservations when a check-out day is the first day displayed on the calendar.
  • Reservation payment screen; Fixed issue on the REservation Payment screen with focus of the “Authorize Payment” button and credit card slides following an invalid card swipe.
  • Created option to sort the display of Lodging Items (changes to Option screen to edit sort order, display changes to show items based on sorted order).
  • Created new check on Reservation payment screen to detect when credit-card scanner swipe is preformed and when non-credit card payment type selected.
  • Added storing of the full date time (including milliseconds) for POS payments.
  • Updated caching and re-factored code for moving activity reservations, activity locks, quotas, etc.
  • Excluded inative Lodging Items as an option when moving a lodging reservation.
  • Updated Skipjack payments/refunds so user cannot credit a customer where reservation has total payments of $0 or less, cannot refund more than the original amount(s) charged.
  • Created new use controlled custom Online Lodging Module messages for search options, search rooms, search occupants, custom search, no lodging available.
  • Updated Lodging Item Type Day View grid to no longer display inactive lodging items associated with a Lodging Item Type.
  • Added Lodging Module Group online prefix fields; renamed and moved to the “Online Settings” tab in the Admin section.
  • Added new How Heard flags and changes so users can identify which How Heards to display for Activity, Lodging, Rentals, and POS Modules.
  • Updated Lodging Module reservation email templates in the desktop to show the default template and populate the address field with the customer email address, if available.
  • Fixed activity quota numbers display issue on activity reservations calendar.
  • Fixed Triptiva Admin password issue prohibiting access.
  • Fixed Email Template Module issue with the Save button validation.
  • Updated Pre and Post Activity reservation email template sending process; To accommodate Office 365 and similar systems, Triptiva throttles emails to send only 15 per minute with a one minute pause in between.
  • Re-factored the POS order screen to only load items once.
  • Re-factored POS order display SP and removed the “Items Count” field.
  • Added new two-minute wait time between sending pre and post reservation emails in Activity Module.
  • Corrected is rental available on desktop flag for lodging display issue.
  • Updated Lodging Items Maintenance screen to allow user to “Show All” items that have maintenance tasks.
  • Made changes to improve the Activity Module reservation post email process.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rental Packages. Added new option to add a Rental Package for use in the Lodging Module desktop and online.
  • Fixed quota display issues with the User Days pop-up window.
  • Fixed the Activity Module Reservation PDF report to display the totals that were missing – dbo.qryPOSDetailByTripID_cr SP.
  • Created new “Show All” option on the Lodging Module Item Maintenance screen to display changes for all Lodging Items.
  • Created new rental/add-on flags for desktop activities and lodging which allow user to specify which rental/add-ons are available.
  • Added null value checks for calculations on employee payroll screen.
  • Added new check-in and check-out time fields on Rental Module items for rental reservation to use as default date/times.
  • Further refined user security groups settings(Admin screens, names, etc.) Please refer to the security Groups Knowledge Base Article for specifics of new security and updated security groups.
  • Re-ordered security group names, removed two singular instances and made them plural for consistency.
  • Removed Triptiva log-in access to Triptiva for employees that have Inactive Employee status.
  • Made UPC code fixes on POS item inventory to allow leading zeros. Removed scientific notation when attempting to enter UPC codes with leading zeros.
  • Updated how Pay System Id’s work.
  • Created Lodging Module Item and Item Type add-on online filtering so user can exclude a rental as an add-on (included changes to Rentals Admin screen).
  • Created Lodging Module Item maximum occupancy check (cannot be more than the Group limit associated with the Lodging Item).
  • Altered Lodging Maintenance Admin screen to be accessible by Maintenance security group employees.
  • Fixed issues to the Payments screen when issuing credit card refunds.
  • Updated Security group names and some access rights. Also, added new security group (Supervisor Plus). The current security groups are as follows:
    • Admin
    • Supervisor Plus (new) This new group can enter payroll for other employees but cannot see wage information.
    • Supervisor
    • Activity Leader (formerly Trip Leader)
    • Reservations Plus (formerly Reservations)
    • Reservations (formerly Writer)
    • Reader
    • Employee
    • Housekeeper
    • Maintenance
    • Marketing
  • Created new Lodging Module locking tab on Day View screen (Admins only) for locking/un-locking Lodging Items to prevent bookings. This will allow the Admin to remove an Item from inventory for a night or longer.
  • Created Lodging Module reservations availability checks for lodging item, item type reservations.
  • Created new fields for custom labelling the default Adult and Room labels that display on the Online Lodging Module.
  • Created process in the ITem Type Set-up to upload multiple Images for a Lodging Item Type. The Online Lodging Module will display these multiple images for a Lodging Item Type in the search results for viewing by a potential customer.
  • Updated and fixed a bug in the Activity and Resource quota screens (missing dates, deleted information, etc).
  • Updated the Online Activity Module search to only show “active” activities online.
  • Increased the Meeting Locations column to allow a “Map URL” size to 2000 characters. Useful for Google and Bing map URLs.
  • Changed the logic for the Lodging Item Set-up so whenever a new Item is created the lodging Item Type image cam be used, if it exists, for the Item image. The user in not required to upload an image each time a new Item is created for the image to display elsewhere.
  • Changed Lodging Module Calendar to show only active lodging items.
  • Changed the label in Lodging-Customer grid – Lodging Item Type Customer Name to Lodging Grid by Customer).
  • Fixed issues when booking and moving Lodging Module Item Type reservations.
  • New “Calculate taxes with cancellation fees” flag at the Lodging Module Item level.
  • Expanded the amount of text allowed for online custom messages on activity search on Options Company settings window.
  • The Lodging Module now allows booking season start and end dates(database and admin screen changes). These can be set at the lodging group, lodging item type, lodging item levels.
  • Updated Activity label name changes (Location -> Resource, etc) in the User Interface.
  • Fixed Lodging Module reservations to prevent booking second lodging item type date errors.
  • Updated fishing Activity Logs to remove unneeded label for Water Level Units.
  • Changed Activity Set-up and Activity Logs so that waypoint filter can handle “FishSect” vs. “Fish Sect.”
  • Fixed bug in the Lodging Module email template functioning.
  • Lodging reservations; selection of reservation store (drop-down list).
  • New window in Email Templates module to copy a template to other stores.
  • Security access permission added to Marketing security group to access Reports menu (except reports admin).
  • Security access permission added to Marketing security group to access Customer Export screen.
  • When changing an employee’s user name assigned and completed employee tasks now associate with new user name.
  • Fixed Lodging Module Booking Item Type error
  • Fixed Lodging Module reservations screen to update all totals for lodging item and item type reservations values.
  • Fixed Lodging Module grid for multiple focus issue.
  • Added extra blank lines to bottom of Activity/POS/Rentals/Lodging quick-print receipts.
  • Store Id’s now are associated with a lodging item and lodging item tax level (admin screens, reservations).
  • Added Lodging item type short name (abbreviation).
  • New colors (red/green) for Rental Reservations Day View to indicate checked-out and checked-in items.
  • New lodging reservation email tags (long check in/out dates, new date/pricing data).
  • Lodging Check-in and Check-out Times (roll up; item, item type, group level).
  • Lodging/rental module fixes; email templates, lodging subtotal/tax/add-ons/totals.
    • Removed Lodging module colored cell on Day View for check-out day.
    • Fixed blurring issue for Equipment grid/calendar when scrolling.
    • Fixed Lodging item type grid error – “No Lodging data was found for Lodging Id 0.” issue with the “Show All” selection.
    • Fixed HTML formatting of characters in email [##TAG##] values.
    • Fixed Lodging price change refresh issue(s).
    • Fixed Lodging discounts total calculation.
    • Fixed Activity reservations rounding issue for base prices.
    • Lodging Check-in and Check-out Times now roll up for item, item type, and group level.

Improved lodging and rental module email templates and fixed lodging subtotal/tax/add-ons/totals display.
  • Customer Information screen; updated Friends on Activities Tab to display a “1” in the “Qty” field.
  • Updated the POS Orders Quick-Print receipt printing to better align with some printers.
  • New Quick-Print receipt for Activity Reservation, Rental Reservation and Lodging Reservation modules.
  • New Email HTML ##tags## for creating emails for the Rental Reservation and Lodging Reservation modules.
  • New Activity Reservation email changes for Activity Details (name, date, meeting information).
  • New Activity Reservation email tags:


  • New tables to store individual Customer Statement numbers for future retrieval and reference.
  • New Quick check-in and check-out pop-up menu on the Rental Reservation Day View. A right click on a reserved rental item allows for checking in and out single or multiple rental items quickly.
  • New functioning allows adding icons to amenities in the Lodging Admin section. These icons can be display online to quickly indicate to customers what amenities are available (e.g., wireless, firewood, picnic table, etc.).
  • New Lodging Group/Item Type/item Check-in Time and Check-out Time fields. The time entries in these fields can be used as the default for reservations, confirmations, etc.
  • Improved Company settings to size company logo on receipts.
  • Updated the Lodging Check-out/in Stored Procedure.
  • New PDF Reservation Confirmation report to Lodging reservation screen PDF button.
  • Fixed a Transportation Notes duplication issue.
  • Updated Lodging Group/Item price tables.
  • Updated Lodging Admin screen, Lodging desktop reservation start and end times.
  • Fixed Lodging reservations – multiple lodging item issues for totals and amount due.
  • Fixed Lodging Summary By Dates (day view) stored procedure.
  • Fixed issues with Lodging item totals and amount due.
  • Other misc fixes.
  • New Google Analytics Tracking Id field for tracking online behavior with Google e-commerce.
  • Better error message to assist users when email failures occur.
  • New POS quick-print receipt to speed receipt printing.
  • New online setting at the company level to control display of “Send Plain Text Email” option. Users can turn this option on or off.
  • Created Lodging Reservation Confirmation PDF for Lodging Module.
  • More options for the Lodging Module when booking by item type.
  • Lodging Module bug fixes.
  • Misc fixes.
  • Improvements to the Voucher/Commission Module Admin screen User Interface and made improvements to the grid display.
  • Expanded email address validation to allow longer gTLD’s, etc. for new address options that are becoming available (e.g. .travel).
  • New functioning when adding vendors on the Commissions Module Admin screen.
  • Fixed seasonal pricing calendar “Save” bug.
  • Fixed issue with saving new vendors on Commissions Module Admin screen.
  • Misc fixes.
  • Improvements to the User Interface for the Vendor/Commission Module Admin screen.
  • New option on the Vendor/Commission Module Admin screen to allow user to subtract the Commission owed amount from the Balance field.
  • Updates to the Activity Word Reservation Statement to account for changes made to the customer reservation tracking.
  • New setting to turn on and off the display of “Show Minimum Age” for the Online module.
  • Option now to show Activity Short Names (abbreviation) from Activity Set-up screen in place of full activity name on Activity Seasonal Pricing screen calendar.
  • Fixed the vendor contact name field to not display a “0” in the name field.
  • Fixed Fee Type Tags for email confirmation to correctly show Percent and Dollar Amounts.
  • Fixed activity reservation notes grid issue.
  • Fixed Pick-up icon issue displaying for transportation routes on deleted activities.
  • Fixed duplicate column issue with Transportation grid and auto-save when changing tabs.
  • Other small, misc fixes.
  • Latest code enhancements to the Lodging Module.
  • New activity reservations routes/pick-up locations grid to reduce time need to create activity reservation pick-ups.
  • New option “Remote Support” on Help menu. When clicked takes user to URL to begin a remote support session.
  • Option to activiate/inactivate “”How Heard” choices on Admin screen; the default is “IsActive” for new records.
  • Custom online adult/child names for column headers and friend rows on Activity Reservations Friends tab. If child or adult is renamed (e.g., child to minor, adult to guardian )for display on the Online Module, the Friends tab columns show the new names.
  • Improved the User Interface display for the Voucher/Commissions Admin screen.
  • New option on Voucher/Commissions Module Admin screen to require a unique Voucher Number for a vendor.
  • New option on Voucher/Commissions Module Admin screen to “Include Commission on Add-Ons.” When checked for a vendor, commissions are calculated on the activity and add-ons for each reservation for that vendor.
  • Updates to Commission Amount and Total columns on Voucher/Commissions Module Admin screen.
  • Updates to the Pre/Post Email Module Template Summary User Interface.
  • New grid in Admin section for the Pre/Post Email Module to show the log data for all emails sent.
  • Capability for user to delete Pre/Post Email Module template that was assigned to an activity but which is no longer needed.
  • Fixed Skipjack Recurring Payment window errors.
  • Other small, misc. fixes.
  • For Lodging Module, a new Item Type was added to allow the booking to a type of lodging item. User can create new Item Types and assign items to the type. e.g., “queen bed size room” can be an item type and all “room items” with a queen size bed can be assigned to the type. A customer can be booked to the item type at the time of reservation and later assigned to a specific item.
  • Changed activity reservation Pre/Post Email Module so an email is tied to an activity and an activity date.
  • New Check for (Qty > 0) before sending send Pre/Post Emails from the Pre/Post Email module.
  • Capability for user to assign to the Reservation Detail button on an activity reservation, one of 3 report choices – Reservation Detail, Reservation Details w/Changes and Reservation Detail w/History. Once assigned, the report chosen will display when button is clicked.
  • How Heard changes to include advertising how heard’s. If running an advertisement, the ad can be entered as a How Heard. The start, end date, notes and price of the ad can be entered. Then the effectiveness of the ad can be tracked.
  • On POS Item screen, a default vendor is assigned for rapid item pricing and inventory tables.
  • Allow Friend(s) to be deleted from activity reservation.
  • Fixed formatting issues with fee types for Activity reservation email confirmation.
  • Other small, misc. fixes.
  • Capability to use seasonal pricing for Lodging Groups and Lodging Items in Lodging Module.
  • Integration with Trust Commerce payment gateway. This is an alternative to Skipjack and provides for credit card scanner encryption.
  • Integration includes payment re-factoring for activities, rentals, lodging, POS, gift certs, etc. to use Trust Commerce, users will need to have the TCLink set-up on their computer(s).
  • New “font family” value to dynamic tags for emails: ex: ##TAG{bc:Yellow|fc:Black|fs:12px|ff:Tahoma,Geneva,sans-serif|}##.
  • Grid sorting for Employee Job Type admin screen.
  • Additional error handling for activity note issues.
  • Fixed data grid errors, hidden errors on insert on the Employee Activity Certifications screen.
  • New Online Module Step Name updates to accommodate smaller screens.
  • Changes to task assignment to Employee or Employee Group on Task Manager edit screen.
  • Fixed delete POS Item Group issue.
  • Fixed a column sort issue on the Rental Module Reservation Day View.
  • Fixed Activity Set-up error (missing new columns in SQL Insert).
  • Updates to the POS Items grids (.NET DataGridView bug – finally fixed!!!) that fixed a Microsoft bug with pricing and other grids.
  • Other small, misc fixes.
  • Automatic selection of Vendors for the inventory, pricing screens on Point of Sale Item Set-up screen.
  • New auto-generated buttons to create the Gift Certificate number and PIN when selling a Gift Certificate.
  • Name and item group searching to POS Item Set-up screen.
  • Changes to the Activity Reservation screen to display/associate price types to friend records.
  • Changes to the Activity Friends functioning; new table, all data migrated over.
  • Fixed issue displaying data with the first Vendor on the POS Rapid Inventory Edit screen.
  • Other small, misc. fixes.
  • Lodging Module Reservation form updates to allow quick Check-in and Check-out.
  • Phone list link on Employee Screen to access updated Employee Phone List.
  • Updates to POS rapid inventory; store selection, custom/automatic barcode generation.
  • New POS rapid pricing window; store/vendor/price type selection, pricing grid of all inventory data by size and color.
  • Activity day view “Hard Copy” menu; updated the link to the improved Reservation Details report.
  • New “View All” option for selecting all computers on Point of Sale transaction screen.
  • POS item set-up screen; fixed issue with discounts grid.
  • Added “POS Email Receipt” button to the POS order screen.
  • Rental Module Reservation Type pricing changes allow for null/empty level 1/2/3 prices.
  • Changes to Gift certificate filters(sender, receiver, etc.).
  • Updates to Commission Contact saving(duplicates) on Activity Reservation screen.
  • Fixed a adding new gift certificate/select sender issue.
  • Other small, misc. fixes.
  • Lodging Module User Interface updates.
  • Edit Task Manager Module screen changes; allow selection/updating of Employee or Employee Group assigned to a task.
  • Adult/Child/Web Prefix drop down list changes on Activity Set-up screen.
  • Changes to the Commission Contacts Admin screen and Activity Reservation screen (includes Online Module changes).
  • Updates to the Activity Check-In Manifest screen.
  • Activity calendar pricing grid functionality to allow expandable week view (expander, + and – buttons for calendar).
  • New Seasonal Pricing changes from Lodging Module.
  • New settings at the Company level for the Online Module (custom labels can be added to display for Adult and Child names).
  • All of the new price-by-date changes are backwards compatible, so clients can download this new version and as long as they do not have the new pricing module, they will not see any of the new pricing changes (calendar, wizard, etc).
  • New Seasonal Pricing Module for Activities; Activity Admin screen update, new pricing-by-day calendar, new pricing wizard, pricing look-up changes for the Activity Reservations Module.
  • New Company settings in the desktop for the online module to show “Adults-Only Activities” and to “Require Cell Number.”
  • Refresh Activity Grouping Admin screen data.
  • Updates to the Report Group Names functioning and the User Interface.
  • Activity set-up screen; changed “Report” label to “Group.”
  • Other small, misc. fixes.
  • Small updates to the credit card read reader, including a fix for AmEx credit cards.
  • Fixed Skipjack payments delete issue.
  • Changes to payment screen for duplicate credit card payments(card scanner).
  • Changes for Skipjack to pass credit card slider data.
  • Other small, misc. fixes.
  • New disclaimer text with Triptiva version number when displaying version update message.
  • Changes to the Customer Info “Add-On Summary” grid to match the Activity grid display.
  • Two credit card slider changes; freezing issue on bad-then-good swipe, changes to parse the swipe data when a user pre-selects the payment type.
  • Online stored procedure updates; activity quotas issue, sorting.
  • Fixed issue when deleting an activity from Day View screen. Fixed issues related to removing all associated add-ons.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • Rental reservation screen User Interface changes; standardized buttons, grid colors, etc.
  • Fixed activity add-ons grid price display issue.
  • Removed the confirmation message for rental reservations.
  • Fixed Rental Reservation Type Admin screen issues.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • Fixed POS payment first/last name issues.

When updating to version, the online module will need to be updated to the latest version.

  • Group Id functionality. This allows similiar activities to be grouped and searched together online. Example: If zip line activities are the same except for the time they occur, they can be assigned the same Group id. Then a booking link can be created using the Group Id to search for all activities assigned to the Id. Thus, instead of searching for a zip line activity availability for each time period, a customer can search for all time periods at once.
    • Here is an example to filter activities by the Group Id:
      • No filter:
      • Filter by groupId #33 (for activities assigned to grouping name with Id = 33) only:
  • Changed License functioning to check used/available only when a new computer attempts to access Triptiva. Existing computers are allowed to always access Triptiva.
  • New HTML entry form for Email Templates.
  • Changed User Interface display on Coupon Module Admin screen.
  • Changed Activity tax calculation for fixed amount discount and store.
  • New 32-bit application functioning.
  • Commission payment/deposit screen validation for first, last, company name.
  • New Discount type: Fixed Amount.
  • New HTML Control DLL (new compiled version).
  • Changed Voucher Deposits Refund functioning.
  • Fixed User Day View rationing screen date issues.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • Two new email address fields to the Report Admin screen for use when sending Payroll Reporting emails.
  • Added User Interface updates to the Rental Reservation screen.
  • Changed how Rental Reservation fees totals are calculated.
  • Fixed Activity Day View security error.
  • Fixed issues with Skipjack payments logging, error handling and delete/void of payments.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • New #BALANCEDUEWITHDATEHTML# tag for use with the desktop HTML Reservation Confirmation email.
  • Fixed the Activity Availability window to show activities that are part of a an activity package.
  • Corrected cancel fees including tax for a tax-exempt reservations issue.
  • Fixed employee payroll message to be more user friendly.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • New gift certificate payments grid on customer window.
  • Fixed a voucher issue on the Vendor/Commission Admin set-up screen.
  • Other misc. fixes.

When updating to version, the online module will need to be updated to the latest version.

  • Changed color of grids on activity reservations grids to lighter blue highlight.
  • New “#FRIEND#” tag for desktop HTML Reservation Confirmation email.
  • Fixed Wait List quota/maximums.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • Created a coupon module for online and desktop activity reservations. This is a major module. With it you can create coupons for specific activities, for specific date ranges, for fixed amounts, for a per person amount or for a percentage of the activity price.
  • Created online option for Reservation Organizer to remove self from list of activity participants.
  • Repositioned the online Payment by Gift Certificate option to appear above credit card payment options.
  • Changed the voucher module to automatically show a voucher company’s address and email information on the payment screen when you select the company for a voucher payment.
  • Bug fix in the Activity Set-up payment display when creating activities and updating pricing.
  • Fixed bug in the reservation screen closing.
  • Fixed Activity Set-up Save error.
  • Changed customer name entry to allow easier capitalization for names like “O’Conner,” “LaBare,” or “McDonald.”
  • New option to rename the Adult/Child labels displayed online and in HTML e-mails at the activity level. These labels are configured in Activity Set-up. For example, for an ATV tour, you might change Adult to Drivers and Child to Passengers. And for your zip line tours, you might leave Adult as is and change Child to Youth.
  • Can rename the online Participant label in “Enter Number of Participants” at the activity level. Now one label can be used for activity A and another label used for activity B.
  • Two new online settings: In the Admin section, you can include a url to a Map for each Meeting Location and have the url show online and in your confirmation email. Also, you can choose to display the activity search results in 3 different format styles.
  • New custom report setting configured in Admin>Activity Info tables: “Report Email Default Text.” When you email a report, you can configure the default text you want sent as part of the email.
  • New option for creating questions to be answered on a reservation at the activity level. Responses to a question can be required (e.g., “I understand the minimum age requirements.”) or not required (e.g., “Ski Boot Size.”). First, an administrator creates a question, the decides if a response is required or not. The administrator then determines if the question applies to only the person booking the reservation or each participant (i.e. “Friend). Next, the administrator creates the appropriate answers available for a customer to choose. Answers can have a Yes/No option, a free text field, or up to 5 administrator created responses (e.g., “What is the lunch selection?” – with options of “chicken”, “turkey”, “roast beef”, “chicken salad”, or “veggie”.). Questions can also have a default response displayed (e.g., I understand the minimum age requirements – “No”)
  • Updated the ##tag## handling format for desktop HTML Reservation confirmation statements.
  • Created new online module custom display fields (admin):
    • Activity Search: Adults Only Message.
    • Activity Search: Can choose the number of days for customers to search (7, 14, 30) for activities.
    • Reservation confirmation email: custom Adult Price display name.
    • Reservation confirmation email: custom Child Price display name.
  • New labels can be created for “Child” name and “Adult” name at the Activity level for use in online module.
  • Phase One – Reservation/Friend checkout question changes; database updates, admin screen updates.
  • Fixed activity reservation window close issue.
  • Fixed error that occurred when deleting an activity reservation.
  • Fixed issue that occurred with moving a reservation to another day and with the calendar refresh for multi-day activities.
  • Gift certificate screen fixes; select/save gift certificate sender, authorized by name change. Improved gift certificate sender/receiver tags.
  • Fixed activity reservation window-close issue
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • New receipt header/middle/footer screens for entering messages to display on customer receipts for Activities, Rentals and Lodging.
  • Updates for deleting customers.
  • Fixed customer export display issue.
  • Fixed Exclude Reservation Organizer check box display issue on customer reservation screen.
  • Fixed customer data issues on activity reservation.
  • Updated activity quota screen functioning.
  • Fixed a quota screen Save issue.
  • Other misc fixes.
  • Added new “Exclude Reservation Organizer” field for activity reservations so users can exclude the Reservation Organizer from an activity if Organizer is only booking the activity and not participating in activity.
  • Fixed activity cancel fee issues.
  • Fixed HTML Cancel Policy display issues.
  • Updated Stored Procedure for the online header/footer activity information.
  • Changed HTML Reservation confirmation emails to show empty instead of $0 for discounts.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • New online Company header/footer fields so users can customize the message displayed to customers online. The message will display on each page of the online booking process.
  • New online Activity header/footer fields so users can customize the message displayed at the activity level for customers online. Each activity can display a different message or all can display the same message.
  • Improved the loading performance on 64-bit servers.
  • Improved the HTML Reservation confirmation statement admin screen functioning.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • Created option to have a default CC email address to send to when sending HTML Reservation confirmation emails.
  • Created feature to show Customer Id on Edit Customer window.
  • Created Triptiva computer exclusions for developers (on the license server).
  • For changing licensed computers, created an Is Active flag so removing a computer no longer deletes a computer name but just makes it inactive.
  • Removed duplicate activity reservation window showed when opened from Customer Search window.
  • Fixed activity reservations, week forward (right) green arrow aw it was not showing correct calendar days.
  • Allow refresh of activity reservation activity type/location selection when changed outside the window.
  • Removed “Demo Mode” functionality for users.
  • Fixed HTML Reservation confirmation statement – child plural description update.
  • Fixed Guide Manifest Report Printing error.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • New “Friends” window on Activity Reservation Day View. Click reservation name and then the box and select Friends to see all friends associated with the activity.
  • HTML Reservation confirmation statement fixes.
  • Fixed standard voucher payment issue conflicting with new Voucher Payment Module.
  • Allowed custom names for “Adult” and “Child”, including plural names at the company level.
  • Allowed the removing of Group leader discount user fees for 100% discount.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • Enhanced payment screen to not require the CCV if a credit card reader is used.
  • Fixed the POS Payment screen fixes.
  • Fixed issue for Lodging Items screen.
  • Fixed a Rental pricing issue.
  • Removed HID support for credit card readers.
  • Optimized reservation calendar.
  • POS orders screen updates for closing an order.
  • Corrected count issues with multi-day activities.
  • New Day View optimization changes to make the display of information must faster when moving from day to day.
  • Added Computer Id for POS Payment table tacking(activity reservations).
  • Updated Activity cancel fee to allow users to change base prices in cancel fee grid.
  • Fixed related cancel fee issue in Activity Reservation PDF report.
  • Fixed related cancel fee issue in Activity Reservation MS Word report.
  • Updated Vehicle Type functioning on the Vehicles Admin screen.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • More functionality for Barcode printing. Can print 2-column and 3-column labels.
  • POS enhancements.
  • Fixed Rental Package Pricing not calculating correctly.
  • Fixed Payment screen billing address issue.
  • Fixed Payroll change issues.
  • Other misc fixes.
  • Optimized Activity reservation calendar to drastically improve speed of display when changing dates or weeks.
  • Fixed issue with Lodging reservation when creating multiple bookings for a customer.
  • Removed deleted activities display on email confirmations.
  • Fixed Cancellation Fee issue.
  • Fixed POS Rapid Inventory add and edit window issue.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • Created new UpdatedDate column for POS Payments reporting.
  • Fixed credit card expiration month issue (01/10).
  • Fixed POS closed items issue.
  • Fixed activity reservation cancel fees drop-down issue.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • Improved functionality for HTML Reservation confirmation statement company changes when user has more than one company.
  • Made credit card reader changes for keyboard mode; credit card number, expiration date field. Made changes for activity reservation and gift certificate payment windows.
  • Made How heard changes; deleting a value used elsewhere (customers, activities, rentals, POS, lodging, etc.).
  • Created new #BalanceDue# HTML tag for Reservation confirmation statement.
  • Other misc. fixes
  • Fixed discount rounding bug with activity reservations.
  • Fixed “Total Due” field calculation issue in the HTML Reservation confirmation statement.
  • Activity flag for including tax and user fees for cancel fees, reservation changes in Activity Set-up
  • Activity flag for removing the user fee for the “Group Leader” discount in Activity Set-up.
  • User interface clean-up (activity reservations, etc.).
  • Made user access/menu changes for security rights for Employees.
  • Fixed rental reservation discount issue.
  • Gift certificate usage fixes (less updates).
  • Fixed Activity HTML Reservation confirmation statement user fee issue.
  • Fixed HTML Reservation confirmation statement to not show deleted activities.
  • Fixed activity log screen bug with certified guides, put-ins, take-outs, etc. Waypoints expected integers. Now allows partial miles.
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • Rental Item searching on Item Set-up Screen (search by rental type or first letter of name)
  • Add rental sections  (admin screen, reservation details)
  • Rental pricing structure additions
  • Rentals items can now be priced by the day with each addition day a different price.
  • Ex: One day price – $50.00, each additional day price – $25.00
  • Rental items can now be priced by the section.
  • Ex: Town Park Putin to Angry Rock Take-out Section – $50.00
  • Ex:  Muddy Waters Put-in to Widow Maker Take-out Section – $39.00
  • Rental pricing rules:
  • Reservation is 24 hours or more:
  • Rental Section pricing Use “Prices By Day (range)” if no price is found, default to (number of days * “Price By Day”) If a price still isn’t found, use “Range + Additional Days” pricing
  • Reservation is less than 24 hours: Rental Section pricing Use “Prices By Hour (range)” if no price is found, default to (number of hours * “Price By Hour”) If a price still isn’t found, use “Prices By Day (range)” for a “0-1 day” price range
  • Rental package pricing structure additions similar to individual item rental
  • New “?” button on rental reservation page to show price calculation information
  • Changed reservation payments to not allow payment date prior to original booking date
  • Can now remove a previously applied commission on a customer activity reservation screen (unselect the Commission checkbox).
  • Fixed a Crystal Reports Word Reservation Statement error.
  • Fixed an HTML Reservation Statement discount display issue.
  • Fixed a #TripDate# HTML tag issue
  • Fixed a Home activity grid user access issue (activity logs, equip loading).
  • Other misc. fixes.
  • Added new SQL optimization for the activity reservation calendar.
  • Made rental reservation issue and bug fixes, etc.
  • Made cancel policy fixes.
  • Made Activity Reservation Detail report fixes.
  • Other misc. fixes
  • Added new grid order and multiple-day selection functionality to Lodging module.
  • Added functionality to delete single items on rental and lodging reservations instead of entire reservation.
  • Standardized the UI of the lodging and rental calendars.
  • Changed day of the week UI changes.
  • Added green forward/back buttons to lodging and rental reservation screens.
  • Improved the look of the employee screen. The look of the contact grid and other user interface changes were made.
  • Relocated the employees note boxes on the main employee screen.
  • Made various rental reservation functionality changes.
  • Updated gift certificate functionality to make it easier to sell certificates.
  • Made home screen grid user interface improvements.
  • Improved the activity log user interface.
  • Impoved the user interface look with new color and font updates.
  • Fixed inactive rental and lodging items problem.
  • Fixed a lodging item Sunday pricing issue.
  • Fixed rental discount issues.
  • Added improvements to the functionality of the rental reservation screen.
  • Made gift certificate fixes/updates.
  • Fixed a Reservation Day View columns issue (right side of grid).
  • Improved user interface display with color and font changes.
  • Added functionality to quick print a POS Receipt.
  • Fixed the reports admin employee names assignments.
  • Improve the lodging item pricing grid functionality.
  • Added new attribute type filter on lodging grid screen. Can now assign and search for attributes like, smoking, pet friendly, etc.
  • Added new lodging item status so reservationists can determine if room is ready for customers.
  • Created lodging item setup screen and new grid screen (with all items).
  • Created new lodging reservation log values (actual start and date/times).
  • Created lodging item maintenance functionality on the setup screen (add, edit, delete maintenance records for lodging items).
  • Improved lodging reservation calendar user interface; dates, colors, fonts, border, grid row heights.
    • Added new vendor fields in the admin section (address, email, phone, etc.).
    • Created new POS Item Import process to import .csv and .xls files from other systems.
      • Created Rapid Add and Edit functionality in the POS module.
      • Added “all cancel policies” grid on the customer cancel policy admin window to aid viewing the cancel policies as a group.
      • Added a “Number of Nights” column to Lodging Reservations screen.
      • Added an option on the POS order screen to expand or collapse the customer address and info section.
      • Fixed rental reservation Skipjack refund issue.
      • Fixed a rental reservations deposit issue.
      • Updated how for lodging reservations the number of people works.
      • Fixed revenue total amounts on the activity log screen.
      • Created the ability to run a customers credit card again without having to ask for the number again.
      • Improved activity reservations calendar display performance.
      • Fixed a reservation user fee and user fee tax bug.
      • Fixed a rental reservation pricing bug.
      • Added the ability to import waypoints XML data.
      • Changed the Terminal Service code to retrieve the logged in computer name (licensing data, etc).
      • Fixed an activity Detail Audit table tax issue.
      • Added lodging reservation grids on the Lodging Day View screen.  There are two new grids – one for displaying lodging items and one for displaying customer names.
      • Added activity reservations print receipt button and functionality.
      • Changed the waypoint admin section to accept decimals for mileage of waypoints. This fixes an issue with adding guides when a waypoint has a partial mile value.
      • Made credit card reader parsing changes for MagTek credit card scanner.
      • Added Skipjack flag on the company screen for future payment adjustment or refund requests.
      • Fixed an activity screen locking issue.
      • Created unique Skipjack Order Numbers accross POS, Lodging and Rental modules.
      • Updated recurring payment functionality.
      • Fixed add-on tax issue.
      • Added functionality to read POS-X credit card slider data on the reservation and gift certificate payment screens.
      • Made report menu changes so non-admins can run reports from Triptiva For new reservations.
      • Added the functionality to allow an available child price to show on a customer reservation screen when an adult price does not exist for the activity and child price does.
    • Updated reservation screen width appearance.
    • Added additional error handling for “Add New Customer” form errors.
    • For rental reservation screen; resolved issues with size and color selection.
    • Resolved rental reservation prices by day issues.

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