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Reminder & Follow-up Activity Email Sending ModuleUse this module to send activity customers reminder and follow-up emails. You can customize your emails so that each activity has an email template specific to the activity. For instance, you might send half-day customers one style of email and your full-day customers a different style. Or you might send your snowmobiling customers an email with different content than one you send your zip line customers. If you don’t want to differentiate, then send all customers the same email. You determine the number of days prior to send the reminder. Once set, Triptiva will work in the background to complete the task on the schedule you set. Use the follow-up email to communicate with customers after they have completed their activity. You decide the number of days afterwards you want the email sent. You can use this to direct customers to your SurveyMonkey to complete a survey about their trip or get to you your Trip Advisor page to tell the world about what a great job your company did. You can do things like have users find and like you on Facebook by including a link in your follow-up.
Seasonal PricingDo you want to price weekday activities differently than weekend activities? Or, do you want the 9 AM activity priced a little lower than your 1 PM one so as to encourage customers to more often opt for the earlier activity? You can use the Seasonal Pricing to do this. This module coordinates with the Online Grid and Online Scroll views to show individual activity pricing. The idea is you display the days and times in the search results and the user can decide if price or time is important to them.
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