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Moving a Friend to a New Activity Date

Move a Friend to New Activity Date


Have a reservation that shows a Friend to move to an alternate activity date.



This article describes how to move a Friend from one reservation to another.


Steps to Set-up Activities:

1. Log-in to Triptiva and find the current reservation that has the Friend to move. In the example below Jay Niles is the reservation organizer.

2. On the reservation click the Friends tab. Choose the Activity Name to show the Friends for the activity.

3.Click the Friend name to move and then click the Remove Friend button to remove the Friend from the current reservation. In this example, we will move Azeem O'Dell to a new reservation.



4. To add the Friend to a new activity, first decide if the reservation should be created using the original reservation organizer name of the prior activity (Jay Niles) or if the reservation should be created using the Friend name (Azeem O'Dell) as the organizer. If the new reservation is created under the original reservation organizer's name, then the Friend will be added to the new reservation on the Friends tab. If the new reservation is created under the Friends name, then the Friend will become the reservation organizer and the Friend will not be added as a Friend.

5. To use the original reservation organizer's name, create the new activity with the new activity date. The reservation will have one participant so choose one as the quantity. Click the Exclude Reservation Organizer to remove Jay Niles as a participant on the activity. Because the activity was paid on the prior reservation, change the base price and fees to $0.00 so no payment will be due.



6.Add Azeem O'Dell on the Friends tab.



7. To make the reservation using the original Friend's name, create a new reservation with the Friend's name (Azeem O'Dell). Make sure the activity quantity is 1. Because the payment is reflected on the original reservation, change the base price and fees on this new reservation to $0.00 so no payment will be due.

8. Because the reservation name is now using the original Friend's name (Azeem O'Dell), the reservation will not have a Friend name attached.



Article No. 10.001

Created: 01/05/12


in Activities

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